Rides Calendar

CTC Rides and Events, organised by CTC Northampton - the local group of the national organisation for cyclists - Cycling UK.

This programme is updated every 2 months and the final month is subject to change. Our aim is to run each ride as advertised below. Any changes or (exceptionally) cancellations will be advertised on our Groups.io e-mail group and, if possible, the club website and other electronic media. Cyclists are advised to check for messages or contact the ride leader a day or two before the ride for any updates. Please press your browser reload page button to ensure you are reading the latest version of the programme below.

For insurance reasons, club rides are for Cycling UK members but we welcome non-members on a trial basis for up to 3 rides. Some events are open to all - ask us for details.

If you are planning on attending one of our rides please would you consider using our Signup page to let us know. You do not need to have an account on Signup in order to do this.

Using our Signup page is optional but doing so helps us plan for the likely number of riders on each ride. You can also use Signup to cancel your intended attendance if this changes.

If you have not ridden with us before or you want to know more about a particular ride we would recommend getting in touch with the ride leader. You can send them an email by clicking on the Leader/Organiser name in the table below.

Some routes have a link to "Ride With GPS". Route navigation files (gpx, tcx etc) can be downloaded from there.

Click on the following links for a description of Ride Pace --> Moderate --> Steady --> Brisk --> Off Road Steady

If you are new to cycling and would like to find out about cycle routes across Northants, you may like to visit Cycle Northants. Local Let's Ride groups offer guided rides for beginners to intermediate riders and are a good way to get into club cycling. They also offer women specific rides through Breeze groups

Sun 02 Feb9.30 am41SteadyCC KetteringCarousel Cafe, Wickstead ParkPhil Letts ..07867 388592
Sat 08 Feb9.30 am42BriskEH GrendonWhite Mills MarinaPeter Bayles 07979 850096
Sat 08 Feb9.30 am36ModerateEH GrendonWhite Mills MarinaPeter Bayles 07979 850096
Sun 16 Feb9.30 am44SteadyCC PotterspuryArtea Room, PotterspuryPhilip Gray..07557 670831
Sat 22 Feb9.30 amBrisk / ModerateTBABrian Hill. 07840713321

Wednesday Weekly Rides (30miles/50km)

These social midweek rides are communicated to those interested via a WhatsApp Community group to which new riders would need to be invited by either administrator Phil (07867388592) or Gary (07761486101).

The ride start location and destination are more dynamic and details only announced (3-6 days in advance) within the WhatsApp Community group. Depending on the number of participants, the rides will run as a combined or separate ‘steady’ and ‘moderate’ group/s and riders need to sign up to either group or, if not riding, on the WhatsApp Announcement page. Riders will be required to complete, in advance, a one-time separate concise signup form for emergency contact details.

Small updates, changes or corrections may be made to the listings on this website during the two month interval between normal publications. If you are interested in one or more of the clubs events then you are encouraged to use the Change Detection button at the bottom to register for automatic notification of these changes.

Ride Type

The column headed RIDE PACE is intended to give an indication as to the expected speed of the ride. This is only a guide which the ride leader will try to meet. If in doubt please contact the ride leader who will be pleased to give you more information.

CTC Northampton aims to cater for a wide range of rider abilities. In general we will wait for the last rider. On Brisk rides, riders are expected to meet the average speeds indicated or be able to make their own way home.


The committee welcomes suggestions for the clubs development. Meetings to discuss the rides programme are held bi-monthly, please contact the rides secretary in advance if you would like to attend one of these planning meetings. Alternatively you are welcome to forward suggestions prior to the meeting.

If you would like to be notified automatically when this page changes please enter your e-mail address and register. This is a free service and you will receive notification by e-mail when the pages are updated.

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